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Friday, February 22, 2013



Topics for the microteaching should have been agreed on 22 February. Those of you who were absent should email me to confirm that your topic is suitable.

You should choose a small topic that is suitable for teaching in ten minutes, such as the days of the week, simple greetings, or parts of the body.


The language taught in the mini-lesson does not have to be English – you can teach any language that you are sufficiently familiar with, except Greek. The most successful mini-lessons are often those that teach another language that most of the classes do not know, such as German or Italian. The lesson should therefore be designed for complete beginners.


You are required to hand in a plan for your microteaching. You should use the template on page 161 of How To Teach English.


Unlike the presentation in week 5, this is a lesson. It needs to engage the learners and involve them in practice activities.


Click to view example of microteaching


Your plans should be ready by 1 March so you will have the opportuunity to benefit from feedback and make any necessary adjustments,

The actual microteaching will be on 8 and 15 March. You should all be prepared to teach on 8 March, and we will draw lots to decide the order in which you teach.

Week 15 - Planning Lessons

Click to view week 15 presentation